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Hauptprodukte:Hybrid-Solar wechsel richter, Solar wechsel richter, MPPT-Solar ladegerät, Lithium batterie, Wechsel richter USV

Auguest 4th, 2022

MPP Solar (Taiwan) does NOT operate on Aliexpress

Recently we have received numerous emails and complaints from unaware buyers who placed orders on Mainland Chinese e-business platform – Aliexpress – and later discovered that the inverters they’ve purchased were clones and not authentic products.  Furthermore, no subsequent support was provided by the seller and some customer were in fact told to contact MPP Solar directly for warranty support issues.


We wish to take this opportunity to emphasize again that MPP Solar (Taiwan) neither sell on Aliexpress nor are affiliated with any of the sellers on this platform.  Please exercise caution when placing orders on Aliexpress where illegal fake/clone products are easily found.  


Example below is a seller based in France who has advertised a product of ours.   We do not know the identity of this seller and are not in any way affiliated with it.   It is easy to spot the seller is also selling a well known clone brand of MPP Solar from China — “Easun”.


Thank you for your attention.

March 29th, 2021

Fake MPP Solar Inverters – how to avoid being fooled

While it is already fairly common knowledge to many that there are counterfeit / fake MPP Solar inverters from China, there are still customers who are new to our products and we wish to take this opportunity to address this concern and help buyers spot counterfeits before becoming an unaware victim.  Of course, due to the evolving practice of counterfeit the following are only general tips that may help spot these fake products and the best way to be sure will always be checking with us directly for verification.



This is one of the most common ways to spot a counterfeit.  The counterfeit products from China often either bear no MPP Solar logo or are missing proper serial and manufacturer declaration stickers on the side.  They may also come in a plain form without logo, or with removable logo stickers in front (shown below) and claim to be  “generic unbranded” version of MPP solar inverters.   These are clear signs of fake products and should be avoided.


One of the biggest selling point of counterfeit MPP solar products is that these unethical suppliers will always undersell at a lower price.  Look for authorized and genuine MPP solar distributors and ensure the products you are buying does not say “Made in China”.  MPP Solar is a Taiwan company.



When buying online, be careful of false reviews.  It is extremely easy to copy images from MPP Solar or authorized dealers’ website and use them as front to fool buyers into thinking they are buying genuine products when they are in fact not.  Some fake MPP solar inverter companies such as “Easun” or “Powland” will tell you that what they sell is “identical” to MPP Solar inverters except it is in a different brand name.  They will also have very similar packaging and user manuals.  Buyers should be extremely careful when buying from an unauthorized sources.  Again, these are NOT genuine MPP Solar inverters so please be careful.

We have been approached by many buyers already with complaint that they do not receive any technical support or after-sales services from buying these fake products.  For your own interest please do not support counterfeit products!


*for more information, please see our earlier post about illegal copies of our inverters from mainland China.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for clarification.

Thank you.

December 26, 2021

Beware: mppsolar.NET is NOT official MPP Solar Taiwan


MPP Solar has only 1 website:

It has been brought to our attention by our distribution partner that there is a www.mppsolar.NET domain selling (or attempting to) FAKE MPP solar-branded inverters to confuse customer.  A quick WHOIS check indicates this website is registered by a company from Guang Dong province in China, same location as where MustPower – the mainland Chinese company who has registered and stolen “MPP Solar” trademark in China and USA – is based.

It is no news to the world that China has been long been a safe breeding ground for ripoffs and knockoffs of many famous international brands such as Starbucks, NIKE, Under Armour, Range Rover, Subway, Walmart, and MUJI.  Some of these giant conglomerates have spend millions and years fighting legal wars, but most smaller companies simply do not have such resources to do so, especially in Chinese courts where legal justice is highly dubious.


We would like to take this opportunity to confirm to all customers and partners worldwide that MPP Solar (Taiwan) has only ONE official website and it is www.mppsolar.COM.  Any other domains/URLs attempting to disguise themselves as “MPP Solar” are unauthorized and likely very risky.  We strongly urge you to be very careful when viewing these websites as they are either trying to sell you knockoff / poor quality clones and may even contain malicious codes that endanger your privacy.


Thank you for your attention.

November 3rd, 2015

Must Power: illegal duplicate of inverter design

In the past few months, we have been asked by many customers about this company, Must Power / Must UPS, about the similarity between our products.  We wish to take this opportunity to address this issue.

  1. The inverters supplied by Must Power is a poor and direct copy of our HS/MS series.
  2. MPP Solar is NOT affiliated with Must Power in any way.

Must Power is a company based on Shenzhen, China and two years after our PIP-HS/MS series was introduced, Must Power came out with the same design.  Several customers have also confirmed that other aspects of the product such as manual, software, etc are also identical to our offerings.   This is a direct violation of our design & copyright.


Since more than 6 months ago, our legal team has repeated contacted Must Power two months ago, however, they have not responded.  We are also in contact with Business & Trade Bureau in China about this violation though there are no positive feedback due to the low respect for intellectual property rights in China.


Please be very careful when you come across Must Power inverter.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us for clarification.   Please be advised MPP Solar will NOT provide any support to any inverters purchased from Must Power.


Thank you for your attention.